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Turbo Hyper RX Elbow Stabilizer Features:

This ‘one of a kind’ performance device helps correct or prevent hyperextension of the elbow by stabilizing the elbow, keeping a correct linear position to the shoulder and wrist. Used as a training aid or during competition, HyperRX will help increase arm swing leverage ultimately improving hook potential.

  • Increase Arm Swing Leverage
  • Increase Hook Potential
  • Support Proper Arm Position
  • Improve Accuracy
  • Use as a Training Aid or During Competition
  • Easy to Apply

Turbo Hyper RX Elbow Stabilizer


    Finger Grip Type

    Finger Grip Color

    Middle Finger

    Ring Finger

    Thumb Slug

    Removeable Thumb Outer Sleeve

    Removeable Thumb Inner Sleeve

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